We will be offering guests to round up their guest check or guest room folio to the next dollar to benefit Cape Ann Kids. Pathways for Children, Action, Inc. and Wellspring House are collaborating to ensure all the Cape Ann children have a magical holiday. This campaign is in place of our annual Pack the Bus for Pathways event, which we are not able to host this year.
For our Restaurants:
The staff member will discuss with the guest if they would like to round up their guest check. If they do, the staff will calculate the amount to round up and add it to the guest check.
1. See the total on guest check. The staff will need to click the close button to see the total on the check including tax. For example, if a guest check is $16.55, then the amount to round up would be $0.45. Please note this amount does not automatically calculate, the staff members will need to calculate.
2. The staff member would select the button 'round up for Cape Ann Kids' (this is located under the raw bar sub menu screen) and enter the amount. In the example $0.45 will be entered.
3. The staff member would then print the guest check for the guest and finish payment as usual.
For our Gift Shop:
The Cashier will discuss with the guest if they would like to round up their total. If they do, the staff will calculate the amount to round up and add it to the guest check.
1. See the total on the guest check. For example, if a guest check is $16.55, then the amount to round up would be $0.45. Please note this amount does not automatically calculate, the staff members will need to calculate.
2. The staff member would select the button 'Round up for Cape Ann Kids' (this is located on the main screen for the gift shop) and enter the amount. In this example $0.45 will be entered.
3. The staff member would then process payment as usual.
For our Front Desk Team:
The staff member will discuss with the guest if they would like to round up their total. If they do, the staff will calculate the amount to round up and add it to the guest folio.
1. See the total on the guest folio. For example, if the folio total is $215.85, then the amount to round up would be $0.15. Please note this amount does not automatically calculate, the staff members will need to calculate.
2. The staff member will select insert, select the account 'Charitable Donation' (account code 182), then enter the amount. In this example $0.15 would be entered.
3. The staff member would then finalize the billing as usual.
Please don't forget in all situations to thank the guest for their donation!